
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Events

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International Education Week: In The Shoes Of An Immigrant

19 November 2020 | 3pm - 4:30pm PST | Online

"From West Africa to the Northwest of the US, Parfait Bassalé presents a personal and compelling narrative about the immigrant experience.

He walks the audience through the four stages of integration that immigrants experience.

Attendees will leave the session with a renewed sense of empathy for the populations they serve and pride in their work for the difference they make for so many..."


The 2020 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Conference

12, 13, 16 November 2020 | Online

"The confluence of events of 2020 has forever changed our lives: beginning with COVID-19, the ensuing economic crisis, civil unrest, and seismic protests driving a sea of change.

As the world’s leading independent think tank devoted to serving business and society for more than 100 years, The Conference Board presents its flagship Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Conference being held virtually November 12, 13 & 16.

Our premier program is uniquely positioned to provide ways for leaders to help heal the wounds of the past, address the injustices of the present, and build a better future for all, together..."

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Represent the Future Summit, Success is Inclusive

21 - 22 October 2020 | 10am - 3pm PST | Online

"Amazon is hosting its first-ever virtual career enrichment experience to uplift Black, Latinx, and Native American professionals of all backgrounds and experience levels. During the summit, participants will learn more about Amazon’s global business ecosystem, the role innovation, invention, and intrapreneurship play in building the future at the speed of Amazon, and our customer-obsessed culture of diversity and inclusion that inspires everything we do..."

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